About Petersen Games and Quimbley's Toys & Games

We are pleased to announce the partnership of Petersen Game and Quimbley's Toys & Games!

As a part of this new alliance, Quimbley's will be the exclusive producer and distributor of all of Petersen Games many exciting products, such at Cthulhu Wars, Planet Apocalypse, and Glorantha: The Gods War.

Watch the video below for more information from Petersen Games founder, Sandy Petersen.

A Special Note to all Petersen Games Kickstarter Backers:

First off, what you need to know is that Quimbley’s is NOT Petersen Games. Yes, we’ve stepped in to fulfill the Kickstarters and publish Petersen Games going forward, but we are a separate company with separate corporate leadership and a separate skillset. We are currently solidifying our plans to fulfill your games and will be providing much more information in the coming weeks, but we want and need YOUR input! We will be launching a community engagement feature within the next 2 weeks which will allow you to provide feedback on BOTH the creative AND production side of not only these games, but everything we produce. We will also be providing you, based on your collective feedback, with a number of additional options to choose from in making you whole on your Kickstarter pledges. Transparency is one of our key values, so please understand that this is not going to be a fast process. There are hundreds of injection molding tools to be made, and thousands of pieces of artwork and game component designs to be laid out to work with our special processes. As much as we want to make promises on when everything will ship, providing a “set in stone” timeline is difficult at this early stage. Our goal is to sell the current Petersen Games inventory we have in stock and gauge our production capacity as we work to finish building each additional phase of our factory. We have hired outstanding players in the manufacturing and business world and they will be the first to tell you that in manufacturing, the best laid plans can go awry. Machines break, supply chains can be disrupted (a major reason PG got so behind in the first place), orders of raw materials sometimes take much longer than expected. The good news? We have created a facility which allows us to test and learn from our mistakes much faster, using technologies that didn’t exist even five years ago. We can pivot quickly to make changes and improvements and when things are ready to ship? We can get them out the door months faster to the majority of our customers while being much kinder to our planet at the same time. Please stay tuned by joining our newsletter and visiting the site regularly to let your voice be heard! Below are some Kickstarter production updates as well as an FAQ on all things Petersen and Quimbley.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the relationship between Quimbley's and Petersen Games?

Quimbley’s has an exclusive deal to manufacture, market, sell, and publish all Petersen Games’ titles, both current and upcoming. All of Petersen Games global inventory is being consolidated to Quimbley's Imaginarium for quick shipping. Petersen Games remains an independent entity, still owned by Sandy Petersen, and now functions as a design lab. Sandy works closely with Quimbley’s, ensuring his games like Hyperspace and Terror Paths reach fans.

When you say Quimbley’s will fulfill ALL Petersen Games’ unfulfilled Kickstarters, can you be more specific?

Absolutely! In collaboration with Petersen Games, we will fulfill these Kickstarter projects: Hyperspace, Eternal Adversary, The Gods War 2, Dinosaur 1944, Return to Planet Apocalypse, and the 2nd edition of Startropolis. Stay tuned to Quimbley’s newsletters for more details.

What’s going to happen to Petersen Games’ website?

It will still be there, but no products will be sold on it, and new content is unlikely to be posted. If you want to hear news about forthcoming Petersen Games’ titles you'll need to sign up for Quimbley’s newsletter!

I have an unresolved customer support issue with Petersen Games. How will that be handled?

Quimbley's Toys & Games is committed to resolving your issue in partnership with Petersen Games. Your existing support tickets are still open, and the Petersen Games support personnel are now members of the Quimbley's team.

What's going to happen to Petersen Games' Discord server? It seems like Petersen Games has abandoned it in recent months.

The Petersen Games team has been busy collaborating with Quimbley's on this new venture. The Quimbley's Team has been actively answering questions about Kickstarter projects and other topics on the Petersen Games discord. We encourage our community to stay engaged with us on Discord! A Quimbley's Toys & Games specific Discord is coming soon.

I miss Petersen Games' newsletters and blog posts. Now that Petersen Games' titles are being brought back to market, what can we expect?

Quimbley's has a dedicated marketing team ready to keep you informed and entertained with all the latest news and updates. Sign up below to stay in the loop about all the latest developments with Petersen Games and Quimbley's Toys & Games. Expect lots of content and posts from Sandy in the coming weeks and months!

What is Sandy Petersen's involvement with Quimbley's Toys & Games?

Sandy is still intricately involved with all things Petersen Games. With Quimbley’s as the sole distributor, his distinctive voice and creative vision will continue to shape the design of fantastic games moving forward. Sandy is developing several new projects while the Quimbley's team works on manufacturing and fulfilling the outstanding Petersen Games Kickstarter projects.

Can you help me solve the mystery package puzzles?

Sorry, not unless you find the hidden clue on this page.

When can we expect Sandy’s new Call of Cthulhu books and Death Dealer game that he mentioned in the video at the top of this page?

Specific timelines and release dates are forthcoming. Stay tuned by subscribing to Quimbley’s newsletter.

When will Hyperspace be fulfilled?

Our plan is to deliver it in April 2025. In coming weeks a hyper-TON of pictures, videos and news will drop regarding the manufacturing of this highly anticipated game. Stay tuned to Quimbley’s newsletter for all the hyper-details!

When will The Gods War 2 Kickstarter be fulfilled?

Our plan is to deliver it in quarter two of 2025. In the coming months the Glorantha god of knowledge Lhankor Mhy will reveal many things! Stay tuned to Quimbley’s newsletter.

When will the other Petersen Games Kickstarters be fulfilled?

We are not ready to publicly announce a timeline or plan on Eternal Adversary, Dinosaur 1944, and Return to Planet Apocalypse. As our plans move forward, the launch of our store and other critical operations will help us determine the overall timeline for delivery.

When will I get my Dunwich Horror coupon?

With our promise of radical transparency, Quimbley’s is carefully considering all options regarding these. We need to reconcile certain things Petersen Games over-promised, which was a common failing of theirs which has partially led to the situation they’ve been facing the past 3 years. The bottom line is that we do not have a ready answer for this, yet.

When will I get my CWO4 Misprint Corrections?

Very soon! As Petersen Games explained in a recent CWO4 Kickstarter update, the solution will involve elegant, perfect match stickers that seamlessly cover the misprinted sections of your Sleeper and Bubastis Spellbooks (just like the sticker already included in the Daemon Sultan box for the Faction sheet). Additionally, the Daemon Sultan custom dice have already been re-manufactured and as of late June have been shipped to our facilities.

Sandy's Favorite Insect is the Mantispid.